Your Company’s voice
The voice of your company needs to reflect your vision, values, and culture. It time to design it.
The company’s identity is more than a cool brand's guide, it is fundamental that represents the vision, values, and culture of the organization in every touchpoint people have with the company.
If you already have the vision, values, and culture is building, the voice is a critical part of building the company identity. It is important to design it to really represent the values, culture of the organization, and people there.
Nowadays, the voice is extremely relevant in the social media and every company’s communication. You need to pay attention to it and it needs to be a key part of the organization’s strategy.
Sometimes I hear people that believe that it is not for all types of companies.
But I strongly disagree, because take care of the small details builds strong organizations and brands.
Alignment inside and outside the company.
Designing the voice helps to get a common alignment inside and outside the company, give a clear vision to the employees, stakeholders, and customers about why you do it, how you do it and what you do.
It helps to reinforce the culture and make some difficult decisions when it consistent through all the different channels that the organizations and people use.
The consistency will help people to remember your company and it will be easier that use the same voice of communication when talking about your organization.
Consistency and unity
The voice can have some changes, especially the tone depends on the channel you use to communicate, but it still important to have consistency through all of them. Some design components and some words can help to associate it with your brand trough al the channels.
These elements will slowly reinforce your company image on people’s minds. It doesn’t matter if you post on Linkedin, Instagram, or on your site, the colors, the font, and the way you express your brand need to have unity and be consistent.
When you have some standards, you have unity and you can encourage people on your own organization to use it. Encourage them to be part of building the organization’s voice. If you are in an early stage of voice creation, is fundamental to reinforce this coherence and unity between all your channels and try to everyone use it to help to create the identity.
It is all about the story you tell.
Curated content, good photos, careful angles, pay attention to the backgrounds. It can be some recommendations but it really matters to attract people to remember you and detect your style. The story is all around it, the text, the images, the elements, the colors everything collaborates with the story you create.
Every communication needs to represent this voice, this spirit, this values. The story you tell is what people will remember.
All your company’s touchpoints or space where people can see your brand are opportunities to keep your story building. It is a work that doesn’t rest and where the details are extremely important.
To develop and grow company culture and identity you need to have some allies. It is important that they use the standards to communicate everything in every channel and help to develop the brand on all the moments of communication.
Also, it is useful to have a strategic communication, important events, daily moments always with the right tone helps to reinforce the culture.