What I wanted someone told me before choosing a career
If you don’t know what to study, here are my recommendations.
It was difficult the moment to decide what study at the university; I felt a lot of anxiety deciding on different areas, which I don’t know what they are or which was my north star.
So I was choosing based on which decision I though open me more opportunities for my future. Of course, at this moment, I didn’t realize all the work tendencies and how it was working- life.
I only focused on getting the answer to these phrases:
- “ What will you study?”
- “Study what’s make you happy.”
- “What do you like at all?”
People asked me these kinds of questions when I evaluated my options, and I felt frustrated with my answer, “I don’t know.”
The first thing anyone told me and I wished someone did was that it is okay that you don’t know the exact answer to these questions.
If you don’t find your passion yet, calm down, you will find it. Don’t push you to find your passion for things you know today. Surely If you don’t see it yet, it is because you don’t know that exist.
So if you don’t know where is your way, but you know that you want to be like these persons who love what they do. Here are some recommendations that help me to discover my passion:
Do some research
Start to find the careers for the future, what skills are looking at these fantastic companies you love. Match these skills with yours and see which ones do you like to develop or get more into these.
Let’s open your mind to the craziest ideas you can imagine and remember never is too late to begin learning some new stuff.
Find inspiration on these fantastic professionals on these roles or careers you want and follow them on twitter or linked in. Get interested in what they do and their journey.
Discover which career or course did your idol professional. You could try to answer these questions and surprise you about how every persona creates their profile from really diversities areas
- What career did they study?
- Where they worked or work?
- What did they do as professionals?
If you discover you are interested in this topic or skill, you can also ask for a recommendation and try to get in touch with some of this professional.
Start learning
After discovering new careers and skills, it is essential to find out if you like it. Start reading as many articles about the topics you can; Medium is a useful tool that allows you to learn and see influencers’ writers about the theme.
You can also go through online courses to discover, develop, or improve new skills, Coursera or Udemy.
Finally, ask yourself. ¿Where I want to be in 10 years?
If your answer is traveling, look for jobs that make this right and well-paid. Following all these steps don’t guarantee you will wake up passionate about something.
However, I make sure that this will open your mind and surprise you about all the things you don’t know. While you look for your passion, choose ways that open you more doors, always thinking about the economic and personal part.
More and more multi-disciplinary people are needed to adapt to the changes, so it is essential to create your profile. From my experience, It was tough to find what passionate me and work on that.
During the process, I learned how important it is to commit to what we have to do and make it happy because, in the end, everything leaves us valuable lessons.
Search and research to work on what your passion because the world needs more people that love what’s they do.
I am always redesigning the profile that allows me to reinvent myself every time.
(Business management + tourism + technology + development of digital products + e-commerce + SEO + user experience + design + analytics + agile methodologies) * Commitment.